You are welcome here!

A place to belong

At Living Hope Anglican, we welcome all people, and aim to make our gatherings as inclusive and accessible as possible. We would love to help out in any way that we can, so please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can do to help with accessing our church gatherings or mid-week ministries.

At out Killara site

There is plenty of street parking on both sides of the streets that is free and untimed on Sundays.
There is off-street parking on the grass along the driveway or around the rear of the church building that is reserved for those with access needs or low mobility.

(Need to investigate)

The main entrance has a few steps to enter. There is an alternate entrance to the right of the building that is fitted with a wedge for a smooth entrance for mobility aids, however the doorway and footpath leading up is quite narrow.

The toilets are located in the main church building towards the front. There are two separate bathrooms, one that is generously sized, and one that has been built to accessibility requirements.

At our East Lindfield site

There is plenty of street parking on both sides of the streets that is free and untimed on Sundays.

(Need to investigate)

We have a room at the back of the main seating area that has large windows so that people can still see what’s happening in the service. Inside the room, there is a couch, and some toys for children to play with. There is a door that can be closed if you choose, but if it’s open, people are able to walk past the room and say hello very easily. It is a space that is separate, but not isolating.

There is an internal accessible toilet near the front entrance.

There is a smooth and flat surface from the cut curb and a wide entry way into the building. After you’re inside, you’ll turn right into the main body of the church and choose where to sit.

Our chairs are comfortable and sturdy. When lined up, they form one long seat and there’s plenty of space between rows. We are able to move seats as needed and can accommodate mobility aids quite easily. This means you can choose where you’d like to sit. Our ministry team is more than happy to assist you where needed.

All of our leaders are trained in child protection, have active WWCCs, and have undergone clearance checks. They also receive periodical training for personal development.
There are fenced areas to ensure a physical boundary for our programs held in the hall. There are stairs to get downstairs to the kids’ programs.

Welcome to Church! We hope you enjoy your time here


When you arrive at church, you will be greeted at the door by the welcoming team. They will give you a name tag and show you inside. When you’re inside, other church members and ministry staff will say hello, and they may ask questions like: How are you? Do you live nearby? Is this your first time visiting? You may like to talk with them, or you can choose a seat and wait for the service to start.

During the service

Our 8am Sunday service and 10am Wednesday service at Killara is a traditional Holy Communion Service. Throughout the service, we follow liturgy from a prayer book, which gives us a service structure. We will sing hymns, say our prayers, hear the Bible read, take communion, and hear the preacher give a sermon.
The music is usually played on an organ or grand piano.

Our 10am and 5pm Sunday services at East Lindfield are a more relaxed service. There is a service structure, and each week will look very similar. The services will start with 2 songs, the service leader will talk about the service and pray, and there will be Bible readings, prayer, preaching and another song or two.
The music usually involves a guitar, piano, drums, and 2-3 singers. Each song is about 3 minutes each.

At each service, the leader will tell you what is happening, and if it’s time to sit or stand. You are invited to join in with singing and prayers, or you can observe. Each service will go for about 60-80 minutes.

What do I do during church?

Most of the church service will be sitting and listening or watching. There will also be times that we are invited to stand to sing, or say prayers together. You are welcome to bring fidget tools, paper and pens for writing or drawing, or any other tools or aids that will benefit you for the duration of church. Do think about others when selecting which tools to bring with you.

When service finishes

The person leading the service will announce when the service has finished. The people near you might start talking with you and might ask you questions to start a conversation. There will be food and drink to eat. If you come in the morning, there will be tea, coffee, and small bites of food. If you come in the evening, there will be a meal. If you have dietary concerns, or have any particular needs, you can let us know.

When you're new or visiting

You may be a bit nervous coming for the first time. At Living Hope Anglican, we hope that you’ll feel at ease as soon as you arrive. If you have any questions to ask or feedback to give, the ministry team will be more than happy to help.

Service Times:

Contemporary Services:

St Peters: 110A Tryon Rd East Lindfield

  • Sunday 10.15am Morning church + kids program
  • Sunday 5pm Night church + kids program

Traditional Services:

St Martins: 9B Arnold St Killara

  • Sunday 8am Communion
  • Wednesday 10am Communion

Chinese Services:

St Martins: 9B Arnold St Killara

  • Sunday 10.30am Chinese (Mandarin/Catonese Bi-lingual)

Contact Us:

Office: 9B Arnold St, Killara


+61 (02) 9880 2137
