A Christian cheerfully gives, not by meeting some obligatory percentage but gladly sacrificing because Jesus sacrificed himself for us, and all we have is his.
Our ministry vision is supported by the faithful, regular giving of our members and it is our primary source of income to meet all our budget commitments. If we all give generously then together we can make a difference for the gospel and invest in God’s kingdom.
We worship a generous God. Paul motivates the Corinthians to give by reminding them of ‘the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich’ (2 Cor 8:9). We give because God first gave to us.
Jesus warned that it is impossible to serve both God and money (Matt 6:24). One of the ways we demonstrate the fact that we worship God and not our money is by giving it away.
Paul told the Ephesians elders, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35). This is not to say that if we give our money away we will always get more money in return. Rather, the act of giving is spiritually enriching.
By financially supporting gospel work, we can free up more people to multiply ministry and grow God’s Kingdom.
Set up a regular offertory or one-off donation (no fees) through your online banking to:
BSB: 062 195
A/C: 1003 4848
(in the reference field put for example “5pm offertory”)
Credit card donations can be made online or by using the SQUARE terminal at the back of church.
Credit card donations and bequests can be also set up through the church office.
Please use online banking to:
BSB: 062 195
A/C: 1029 5482
(Donations to the Scripture Fund is through Direct Deposit or Cheque. Please ensure your name is clearly listed in the payment instruction so the Office can issue you with a tax receipt)
Living Hope Anglican Church © 2025 / All Rights Reserved